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Showing posts from November, 2018

LUIS | Let's make our applications smarter

How often we get ourselves in a situation when you scream "Please understand me!" and there is absolute silence in the response (or "Could not understand that!" if you are talking to a program!). I once found myself in same situation when a customer started talking with my app and I had to tell her that my app does not understand your language. You must click buttons placed in it. "That's a boring app!" she said. So here are few steps that can help your application understand human language. Lets make our applications little more interesting. LUIS is here to help! Relax! Step 1 : What is LUIS? LUIS is a cloud based API service from Microsoft. You teach it, then it learns it, and then oolaa! it understands what your customer speaks! LUIS is "Language Understanding". I like to call it a baby whom I will teach how to understand the language! To know more on what is LUIS, check the below link. What is LUIS? Step 2 : Let&